Sunday, 29 May 2011


Actually, the whole idea of Twitter was to share our privacy. People usually update every little tiny things about what they are doing which they think it is important for other people to know. For instance, TweetGlobe. TweetGlode is an application that let us tweet our location and also see everyone else using TweetGlobe’s location. Unaccidently, using it would possibly hint us that we are giving away our location and movement, which are also some possibly important privacy information.

For example, most celebrities are using Twitter nowadays as they want to inform their fans about their daily activities. However, some of their so called "fans" actually have bad intentions because maybe they are too obsessed towards them. This can cause the celebrities to be in danger situations. That is why we should take a very careful step before post something that is related to ourselves.

All in all, Twitter is about sharing our own privacy. If you don’t want to share your privacy, don’t use Twitter :D 

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Twitter is a website which is owned and operated by Twitter Incorporated which offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read messages called "tweets". Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile page.

Actually, the website is based in San Francisco, California. Twitter also has servers and offices in San Antonio, Texas and Boston, Massachusetts. 

Twitter first began when it was produced in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched in July. Since then, Twitter has gained popularity worldwide and is estimated to have 200 million users, generating 65 million tweets a day and handling over 800,000 search queries per day. It is sometimes described as the "SMS of the Internet".

Dorsey was the one who introduced the idea of an individual using an SMS service to communicate with a small group. The original project code name for the service was "TWTTR", which later become "TWITTER". You can send your location information, your mood information or whatever and share it with people who are on your social-mob! The best part in Twitter is that, no installation necessary! Work on the project started on March 21, 2006, when Dorsey published the first Twitter message at 9:50 PM: "just setting up my twttr".

"..we came across the word 'twitter', and it was just perfect. The definition was a 'chirps from birds'(tweet tweet). And that's exactly what the product was." – Jack Dorsey.

Jack Dorsey, until recently the CEO of Twitter.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Assalamualaikum everyone! 

First of all, this blog mainly consists of many posts related to the challenges of social network. To be more specific, we have chosen TWITTER as the main topic of our discussion. We will discuss about the challenges that may be faced by Twitter's users. 

Okay, see you in the next post! :D